Friday, 17 December 2010


After hoarding tons of comic books, i made this 3D BOOM for the exhibition..the cards are phrases from the pages of the comic, scattered around for people to find..

Friday, 22 October 2010


My idea in progress for the invitation to Fedrigoni's 'New East London Talent' show...


Type for the Fedrigoni showroom for show, based on pick and mix

Friday, 15 October 2010

'Nowhere Near'...

I've been obsessing with the idea of using comic books for a while now, and with 'NOWHERE NEAR' came the opportunity to get some feedback from the first few collages i'd made from an old war comic....will have some images up of the night soon, which went amazingly, thanks to everyone who showed work, and those of you who came and made the night such a success.

For more photos of the night, plus past and future exhibitions at GFL have a peek at


NOWHERE NEAR was an exhibition we put on here at GFL, offering the chance fioe people to showcase what they've been doing in that strange stage after uni and real was a chance to showcase new work, however unpolished, and explore and discuss the ideas behind it...

Unpolished, unresolved, sketches, trials, errors, failures, successes..A true & candid portrayal of each individual’s artistic exploration & discovery..
An eclectic group show featuring new works from artists:
Amy Scrimshire, Andrew Demetry, Annie Wighton, Barry Andrews, Billy Byrne, Chris Mowbray, Emma Oakman, Joanna Tidey, Josh Jeavons, Lucy Tomlins, Mark Priestly, Michelle Kirk, Oliver Dickens, Paula Smolarska & Rosie Chamberlin…
12 – 6PM
Private View

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Tales of the flesh...

A little trip down memory lane to the first exhibition we organised here at GFL...It was a long stretch, building walls and what not, but it was a great evening showcasing work from all of us here.
I tried to make my collage aesthetic bigger with a found frame, here are a few photos...

A few snapshots of the auction..


These are the record sleeves I created for the 7"& 12"s auction, based on short stories written by Laura Rosten. They were bid for and sent to a good home, although i secretly wanted to keep them...

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Seven's & Twelves..

We are hoping to raise funding for our gallery, Ground Floor Left. As well as of course, making your own pockets jangle with shrapnel.

• Sevens & Twelves is a night of art and music. And takes inspiration from our old friend, the vinyl record. Therefore, all artwork must be based on the record and/or its measurements of, 7”x 7” or 12”x12”. However, be as free and creative with these measurements as you wish. Surprise us!

• All sales made get split 50/50 between you the artist and Ground Floor Left

• Remember that this is The BUDGET Art Auction, so only submit work that you are willing to be sold for a few quid. Bidding starts at £1 on every piece of work. Last year we had sales ranging from £5 to £100.

• All mediums welcome. Whether you’re a painter, sculptor, designer, film maker, performance artist, writer or even musician. We’re sure you can come up with something relevant to the theme. The more eclectic a show the better! (Please let us know if you require any specific equipment. Such as projectors, plinths etc.)

• We encourage all submitting artists to bring as many people/potential bidders along on the night as possible. The more bidders, the higher the winning bid, the bigger your slice of the pie!

Home sweet Home..

Ground Floor Left is a new gallery located in the arse of the East London Art community. Comfortably situated between the ripe bosoms of London Fields and Victoria Park and only a stones through away from Vyner Street, this versatile space is ideal for an array of purposes. The gallery, previously an unloved old textiles factory is currently ran by artists whom have specifically designed and re-built the space for the purpose of exhibiting work while still managing to maintain the true character and nature of the building. We are aiming to give a messy birth to at least one show a month but also will be inviting in resident artists to work and show within the space. We are planing to host an array of events from film-screenings, spoken word/open mic, performance nights and much more.

Comic Books & Sanding..

A year younger..

A version of my FMP for Fedrigoni Exhibition...and most of the collages...